![fransfranticmarketing review of Payza](https://i0.wp.com/fransfranticmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/p_080.gif?resize=141%2C165)
Business plans will begin to take shape this month as marketing
strategists after marketing strategist will suggest the way for you to
– build your list
– write better engaging emails
– build your brand.
One of these listed points will put you behind the eight ball if your
intention is to follow the leader. More on that in a minute.
Early 2017 strategic planning process
How big is your business? How large are your goals? Where are you
now, and where do you plan on being in one year, two years, or are
you thinking “God let me make it through tomorrow!”
Working on a day-to-day basis hoping to make a dent in the market
and turn a profit from actions, more likely lack of right actions, is
what I refer to as spaghetti marketing.
Getting down and dirty – get strategic
Leadership comes from strange corners sometimes. That diamond
you may need to bring in consistent new members; to join you in
your strategic plans, can be waiting to hear from you.
Whether you are a one-man operation (or woman), or you have a
team you work with, getting everyone focused on the right end
results is paramount to important and enduring decisions.
That takes us back to the top and what that one inclusion in your
marketing strategy is that could sink you or at least slow your
whole approach to traffic and growth in a far from satisfactory
What is it? Brand Marketing
A little research will create much dismay at finding out consumers
do not trust brands. Have a look at what is happening in your neck
of the woods, both online and offline. Owners of businesses are
also consumers. Chat with them, get the message. even they are
skeptical of brands.
If you have the urge to brand something then spend your time at
branding you. Get personal, build good, solid, friendly relationships.
People buy products, not companies.
That means you need to be where your market hangs out. Social
Media, Twitter, all social channels. These places reap the attention
you would sell your soul for. If you do not find a place in social
media as a contributor, then you will never grab their attention.
Embrace the social fan page idea with a new outlook. You are
there. You can be found there making connections that will build
your business. Your market needs to know you are approachable.
This isn’t the cold selling approach rather the warm explanations
of who you are, what you offer and how you can help your new
found connections grow with you. BUT through story telling. By
exchanging experiences.
Once you have your audience engaged you will find it easier to
convert these exposures into sales. Keep in mind, you are the
one to influence their minds. Your website or blog will do the
Your editor …
Fran Klasinski
© 2017, Fran Klasinski. All rights reserved. on republishing any parts of this post, you must supply a link to the original post