Happy New Year 2017 Editors Comments

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Happy New Year!

May you be blessed with good health, the joy of living a full life, and
reach the prosperity you seek in 2017.

Will it be happy for you and me? A lot of changes have been pressed
upon us thus the name of the game will be a wait and see.

The new year 2017 call for new plans. A business plan if you are
just starting out, or even if you are a seasoned veteran, you really
do need to have an idea of where you are going.

The concept of business online took a terrible toll on many owners
who forgot to treat their opportunities as a business. A dollar in.
a dollar out, and you are in business.

That means licenses, laws, and consumer-centered practices. That
means the IRS, the FTC, ALL payment processors vs. your TOS
Terms of Agreement need to match the laws of the land.

FransFranticMarketing has seen barely three good months of being
online and earning recognition. It has not been monetized as I am
a teacher first. But that also has to change. It costs a dollar or two
for hosting, domains, and knowledge has a price for all.

The teaching end will be centered around educating you on the Art
of Blogging. Is it an art or is it the voices of many with something to
say? We’ll see as times progress and you polish your blogging

May January be your start to a future you have only dreamed of
until now. Bring forth your greatest desire. Feed it with patience,
determination, and consistency and it will be your name they will
never forget.

Your editor …

editor Fran Klasinski of Franss Frantic Marketing
Fran Klasinski- warriorlady

© 2017, Fran Klasinski. All rights reserved. on republishing any parts of this post, you must supply a link to the original post

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