The fierce Vikings in Scandinavia thought that evergreens were the special plant of the sun god, Balder. Germany is credited
Month: December 2016
Sharing The Wonders of Christmas
When I first read this poem, my immediate reaction was it’s awesome. It evoked a ton of wonderful memories for
Celebrating Christmas Around The World
As the excitement of the holiday fast approaches, I wanted to take a minute to thank
Matrix legal or illegal
I attended one of the most informative approaches to what comprises a legal matrix I have seen presented in years.
Swipe Me A Fabulous Headline
Writing fabulous engaging headlines does not have to be a troublesome call to action that puts your mind to sleep.
Respecting Your Advertising Partners
The partners I am talking about, are other Traffic Exchange owners who exchange memberships and take up space. noun: a
It’s Always Time Well Spent Mastering Your Promotions
One year ago, I wrote the following. It is never truer this year as 2016 draws to a close, it
Easy Come Easy Go
Easy come, easy go is one of those cliches that raise their heads when there is trouble abounding. It
Saying Goodbye to Content Keyword Feature
Will that help or hinder you in your search for free traffic that Google has decided to scrap the Content