Saying Goodbye to Content Keyword Feature

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Confusion and concern over content keyword serch article fransfranticmarketing
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Will that help or hinder you in your search for free traffic that Google
has decided to scrap the Content Keyword feature from its search

If you are new to SEO- search engine optimization, or if you have had
a go at optimizing your website then confusion or concern that what
you have been taught is correct, floods the lack of free traffic promised.

Let’s get ahead of ourselves a wee bit with clearing up a myth that
Google is not interested in keywords. Heard that one many a time huh?

You still have to mention the keywords while posting a web page. “We
can’t read your mind, so we need them” is what Google says.

Back in May of 2016, Google had big changes in the wind. That change
didn’t materialize until this November past. Their intent was to remove
confusion and improve site analytics.

Previously, Google had been busy removing the Sitelinks demotion
feature. Ask site developers and I bet this termination was big news to

A lot of this is probably big news to you too so let’s have the author of
this piece give us the inside scoop on what Google is up to . More …

© 2016, Fran Klasinski. All rights reserved. on republishing any parts of this post, you must supply a link to the original post

One comment

  1. You must still do due diligence when it comes down to it in dealing with the likes of Google. Not to do so is akin to shooting off both of your big toes. So do yourself a flavor and pay attention to using those keywords properly.

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