Easy Come Easy Go

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Easy Come Easy Go

Easy come, easy go is one of those cliches that raise their heads when
there is trouble abounding.

It is said to describe someone who thinks everything is easy to achieve,
especially earning money, then losing it or spending it foolishly.

It’s Easy To Do …

Today’s Internet market are looking for easy money for foolish
things or for eating and paying for medical needs. The reasons
are as many as the methods are questionable.

The sad part of no matter the reason, they come on the net to build
failure, not for success. Now if they planned for the worse case scenario
then carefully avoided it, they might just stand a chance at success.

Earn a nickel, spend a dime.

It’s crazy, isn’t it? But it’s true. Since the majority of these people, don’t
know what to do or how to do it, to raise that income, statistics tell us
in five years or less, they will be gone.

Listen to the sound of acceptance then hear the sound of oh. These are
the people focusing on the things that are easy to do or easy not to do.

Have we made leadership complicated and having an awesome business
just outside your reach? Or are both sold as easy to do and you fall into
the trap of failure faster?


Because there is a lack of foundational knowledge. The fundamental
strategies fly by too quickly to grasp. If it is worth doing, it is worth
taking the time to make it happen.

The how-to of marketing to plan ahead – foresee the pitfalls – scams and
easy to buy into the hype. Are you wearing the blinders of need or worse,

It really is easy to create an online plan. Then again, it’s easy not to.

It’s easy to recognize the need to invest in you to make the dream
happen. Then again, it’s easy not to.

Which one are you going to choose?

© 2016, Fran Klasinski. All rights reserved. on republishing any parts of this post, you must supply a link to the original post

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