The BitCoin Learning Curve

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What Are BitCoins

What do you do when you haven’t a clue, you investigate! Bitcoins are one of those items that appear to need a lot of investigating.

How users advertise them may be a place to start.

What is a Bitcoin Faucet?

A faucet is a website that “drips” free Bitcoin and  crypto
currencies to its users in exchange for completing easy tasks.

Hmm easy tasks huh? Earn 250 Satoshi every 15minutes and then have
fun playing games to earn free Bitcoins. Okees then why is traffic
from some domains blocked?

Well, that is what it said when I went to investigate it. So I don’t even
have a clue what this casino-style game, from what domain is all

First experience? “Just because something seems too good to be
true doesn’t mean that it isn’t.”

Is that right? Time will tell as I continue by learning into what  this
thing they called a BitCoin really is.

Satoshi: The satoshi is currently the smallest unit of the bitcoin
currency recorded on the blockchain. It is a one hundred millionth
of a single bitcoin (0.00000001 BTC). The unit has been named in
collective homage to the original creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto.

BitCoin Faucet: Currently, there are approximately 511 BitCoin Faucets
listed as of 7th November 2016.

What have I learned today?

Imho … it sure looks like it will take a ton of free bitcoin to one little
lonely BitCoin.

Red Flag:

Ad companies like Ads4BTC pay BitCoins for viewing ads every day.
These sites are classified as PTC.

What I have learned, is the feeling earning enough Satoshi will be one
long-term game one has to play.

Bring on the Allen Aliens!

Coming next …

Crypto currencies
Block chain
Blockchain beyond BitCoin
Bank of Canada Test

© 2016, Fran Klasinski. All rights reserved. on republishing any parts of this post, you must supply a link to the original post

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