Exploding Business Mastery

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In business, there are THREE decisions we make every moment.

1. What should I focus on?
2. What does this mean?
3. What should I do first?

The secret to explosive growth is invincible leadership.

Business Mastery – NOT business dabbling, NOT business interests, and NOT business stressing.

So much is wrong in the TE Industry and it is not going to get better if the best you receive in leadership, is bad mouthing the competition.

Turning every TE into the sheeples copy-cat home front is a disgrace. Those that follow that thinking, will be the ones long gone before they understand what happened and serves them right.

Business online and offline has radically changed. Follow the leader to the lemming cliff is not a solution.

There are new rules, new challenges, and the survivors will be the ones who learn to adapt not criticize, learn to share not hypocritically pat their own pointed heads.

Regardless of economic conditions, the wealthiest people in the world got there because of the depression. They think then they test, they take action! There is something they knew that may have escaped you. One of those things is they have no time for the mighty-mouths who talk much do little.

Success leaves clues, not a bitter taste in your mouth for following cheap talk.

Look at the TEs the average user complains about. Look at their market worth vs the ones that put them down? Look at how long they have been on line and survived some of the worst times in web history.

The TEs that have survived, will continue to survive, have strong leadership. Leaders who know they pay the bills. They determine the direction their business needs to take in order that it continues to grow and provide long-term evergreen value to its membership.

They also know, bottom line, not everyone is suitable for their business. They don’t harbor bad feelings for opposite thinking nor do they waste time on such drivel spouted by big egos and jealousy.
They are too busy building their business.

© 2016, Fran Klasinski. All rights reserved. on republishing any parts of this post, you must supply a link to the original post


  1. Fran, Totally agree and when you come down to it, what you say here applies to any entrepreneur trying to expand and grow their business.

    1. Thanks for the comment Dale.

      I have this feeling major change is on the way. It has to be or the future is
      not a place most of us will wish to be. Every generation of business people
      appears to go through the changes new challenges bring. They either go with the
      flow and learn new solutions or they close their doors in frustration.

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