IMPACT – What Did I Hear You Say?

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RonaldReagin img in fransfranticmarketingpost what did yu say?

What did I hear you say? I was in your room. I didn’t speak. You would
call me a ‘lurker.‘ and probably say something you thought was funny
in order to get me to post. Still silence.

What was the last thing you said? You were busy earning kudos with
some of the other members chattering away. Did your last words
uplift everyone? Encourage them to join in? Edify the new person
(improve or instruct)?

How do Your Words Impact Listeners?

Skype chat rooms are for sharing. Having some fun can be uplifting
especially if it surrounds the older members who know you and your
sense of humor.  It can raise eyebrows to a newcomer or someone
who perceived a meaning not intended.

In a Traffic Exchange chat, I read the posts some sad member was
up to provoking, more than settling their hurt feelings over some
sort of misunderstanding. Some one said something that hurt. For
days this conversation went on, and probably will yet till someone
gets the true picture of the pain and puts a stop to it.

Not everything is funny. Not every criticism is correct or necessary
if it is herd mentality following. Logic, common sense and trying a
little compassion work best every time.

So What Impact Do Your Words Have?

“The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest
things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.”

Do you speak wisdom? Create belief in the person you are speaking
to? As you choose to speak aloud, whether you believe it or not, you
are leading.

Because if you look around you, the world is filled with ethical, good
people who want what you are offering unless some thoughtless word
or comment made them take another look at you and put character
over perceived reputation.

Till next time …

YFran Klasinski Editor/Author of Frans Frantic Marketingour Editor


Fran Klasinski – warriorlady
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