Avoid The Aussie Two-Up

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What is the Aussie Two-Up?

It is employed in MLM progs with a varied history. Read on.

There are really only three categories of MLM compensation plans:
Breakaway (Stair step), Unilevel, and Matrix. The Binary is a variation
of the Matrix, and the Aussie 2-Up is an adulteration of the Unilevel.

“They all have their pros and cons, and none should be universally
avoided based on their category alone – except one. The Aussie Two-Up.
Or One-up, or Three-Up, or any variation of ups. There’s no way to fix
this unredeemable, corrupt and historically failed system of compensation,
so any variation of it should be avoided.” says Leonard Clement.

Let’s call a spade a spade. What was known as the “Two-Up” or “Pass Up”
Plan was started right here in the United States in the mid-1980s.

Originally, two-up was a traditional Australian gambling game.
involving a designated “spinner” throwing two coins or pennies into the
air. The idea is you gamble on whether the (Observe) both heads will
both fall up, both tails, (reverse)up, or with one coin a head and one
a tail (known as “odds”). see ‘digger.’

The MLM plan was neither invented nor was it ever popular, in

What can be said about the MLM Aussie Two-Up plans, is they will
never work for you. Matter of fact there is a big big shock awaiting
eager beavers who think they can make it work.

Says Leonard Clements About the Aussie Two-Up Plan …

Keep in mind the Two-Up had about a five-year head start on the
binary in getting traction here in the U.S. market. Yet, not a single
company among those top 50 are using anything even remotely
resembling an Australian 2-Up pay plan. Not a single MLM pay
plan or start-up consultant will recommend it to their clients. It’s
shunned in virtually all foreign markets as well.”

All I can say is if you are a sucker for a fast deal and the chance
to make the big bucks then best you read on.

I gotta tell you, the history of the Aussie Two-up and why it looks so
good on paper is told better by Len Clements .
Since 1989, Leonard Clements has concentrated his full-time efforts
on researching and analyzing all aspects of Network Marketing. He
is a professional speaker and trainer, and currently, conducts “Inside
Network Marketing” seminars throughout the world. Len is the
author of the controversial book “Inside Network Marketing”
(Random House) and the best selling cassette tapes “Case Closed!
The Whole Truth About Network Marketing” and “The Coming
Network Marketing Boom.” He is a court recognized expert in the
field of network marketing.

Fran Klasinski Editor/Author of Frans Frantic MarketingTill the next time …

Your Editor …
Fran Klasinski
SKype fran.Klasinski

© 2017, Fran Klasinski. All rights reserved. on republishing any parts of this post, you must supply a link to the original post

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