Our prayers of supplication, to a higher power asking how we can best
honor the life forfeit of Jesus Christ.
Centuries ago, a divinely inspired prophet foretold the time when man
would be at peace with nature and illness would be eliminated.
Families would build their own houses, plant their own fields, and enjoy
the fruits of their labors.- Isaiah 11,6.9; 35:5, 6; 675:21-23.
Jesus performed powerful works that showed on a small scale, how
such prophecies will become a global reality.
His death was fundamental to the future elimination of every cause of
sorrow. So important was Jesus’ death to the fulfillment of God’s
purposes that Jesus commanded his disciples to commemorate it.
-Luke 22: 19. 20.
Did you know that according to the Bible’s lunar calendar, the true
anniversary of Jesus’ death fell on Tuesday, April 11th of this year?
Those few paragraphs are the opinions expressed for believers all
over the world to draw strength from in places I have found them
printed. I have passed them on for you to explore at your leisure.
As a writer and editor, I offer what I hope will be insights for all to read,
understand and learn in order to accept their fellow man as we are
How far have we drifted from the truth of a date in ancient
time that so raptly foretold our future?
What ever your religious beliefs, may Easter as a whole, and Good Friday,
with its celebrations answer your prayers of supplication and bring you
peace, health and prosperity.
Keep the faith … Till next time.
Your Editor
Fran Klasinski
Add me: Skype Fran.Klasinski
© 2017, Fran Klasinski. All rights reserved. on republishing any parts of this post, you must supply a link to the original post
To me this time of year is to be celebrated for it is when were given the greatest gift of all. The gift of eternal life. What greater gift can one receive?
Agree Dale. It was a powerful gift and one we all need to honor.
Thanks for the comment.