The Emotion Trust In Action

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Used under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; in Frans Frantic Marketing Blog. Attribution attached to img. Conditions online tend to bend the emotion trust in the actions of those persons most affected.

The Trust-in-action Players

One party (trustor) is willing to rely on the actions of another party (trustee); the situation is directed to the future.

In addition, the trustor (voluntarily or forcedly) abandons control over the actions performed by the trustee.

The players can be renamed as per the action requires as trustor/member, prospect, lead whereas the trustee/owner, company, organization all fit in equal perspective.

Company Terms of Agreement (TOS)

This is where the basis of trust should begin; where the ‘trustor’ can
reasonably place their belief and faith in what is promised.

Once the act of joining, is completed and that small square that you
accept the terms is checked, then that is when the trustor abandons
any control over the actions performed by the trustee.

Admonishing a prospect to read first, join later can and all too often,
falls on deaf ears. There is an excitement about getting into the newest
promise of big time wealth, that turns the thinking cells to a mass of
glutinous jelly.

Once a prospect’s interest has been ignited, they quickly move into
anticipation of what they think it all means, not necessarily what either
the TOS or the progam has to offer in any form of stated reality.

The Emotional Range of Trust

Because the human condition tends to label you and I as social animals,
the social side of trust plays a large roll in the many growing social
systems we refer to as social media.

Trust then becomes exactly what it is; an element of the social reality
that can be a real or imagined image that permits the creation of the

Because trust begins in the range of like and love, it can just as quickly
turn to the extremes of apprehension, fear, and rage.

Imagine the breadth of that trust as FaceBook people expound on all
the privacy, secrets and emotional hurt that becomes public by their

That emotional drama is not limited to Facebook but becomes
self-evident when something goes wrong in our businesses.

Paralysis of Inaction

Change can be so painful to many members. They are used to the feeling
of confidence gained from the every day experience. New possibilities
are exciting when properly presented unless the new idea creates panic
and fear. Then your growth stops as your members stuggle to deal with
the change that can end in paralysis of action.

Actions such as a slow down in surfing; upgrades, promotions, lack
of support in promoting your business. All these actions can be
attributed to fear of some change and mistrust of the owner’s

Successful business owners understand that the initial trust needs to
be nurtured creating a dependency betwen the social actors and
specifically that the trustor becomes dependent on the trustee/owner.

The Psychological Side of Trust

From the perspective of psychology, trust is believing the person who
is trusted will do what is expected.

It is easier to influence someone who is trusting. Thus the tendency is
to attract people with the personality trait of trusting, people who have
that sense of subjective well-being.

Sucess results in feelings of security, trust and optimism. People who
tend to trust others have an increased nature towards subjective
well-being, are happier in nature thus it enhances the quality of their
interpersonal relationships.

Three positives of what trust does in our lives, is it makes social life
predictable, it creates a sense of community, and it makes it easier for
people to work together.

Keep in mind, in the context of information, trust plays a strong role in
the contrasting social functions such as power, surveillance and accountability.

Till next time …

Fran Klasinski Editor/Author of Frans Frantic MarketingYour Editor

Fran Klasinski
skype: Fran.Klasinski



© 2017, Fran Klasinski. All rights reserved. on republishing any parts of this post, you must supply a link to the original post


  1. I saw this dependence to somebody you trust over time.
    I see hundreds of people buying from a person who they trusted, but no selling from an unknown person who sell the same product.
    All is about relations.

    1. Good point Paul
      It would be nice if everyone bought from trusted sources.
      And you are right, it is all about building honest relationships.

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