There is something sad when greedy people join a program with
the idea of making fast income. They have little to contribute,
expectations that are the owners to make, not interested in upgrades and ready to howl foul at the least change.
That is not all members, so do not mistake me here.
What these moaners do have is nerve, lots of it. They pay no bills, are not responsible for how the programs work; pay little attention to the rights of an owner and proceed to tell the world how badly they are treated.
We all know programs with owners struggling to keep their heads above
water. Owners who have had to make strategic moves to stay in business
and be able to eventually, pay their wonderful loyal supporters.
We also know an unending list of the cash grab greedy members who see
any change an owner makes as a threat to their penny surfing, howling foul.
You can readily tell by the language complainers use that they are not business
oriented nor are they close to becoming good affiliates. If they were anywhere
close to either of these positions, they would have quietly moved on, protecting
what they have while building a back end to replace any chance these programs
could all shut down.
RISK– we all take it online. It is part of the history of well-intentioned excited
owners with a dream. It comes with no guarantees.
Failure: Anticipating the kind of members drawn to how they foresee they
can earn is paramount to continued success. NOT that the owner should
bow down but rather the owner needs to take a firm stand on what the
intention of their program is all about and stick to it through thick or thin.
Yeah, here come the naysayers ” but he did not … but he should have … “
Has nothing to do with the reality of what IS happening. What it does have
to do is how you responded to times and conditions that do not fit
YOUR plans.
SUCCESS – It comes from people who know how to approach a problem.
It comes from manners, from the ability to list a happening without all the
drama, all the emotional diatribe. It comes from banding together to
discuss not condemn. It comes from helping each other learn how to deal
with problems and how to search out solutions.
The owner has to find their level. And you as members, need to find your
own. Either use and support where you can, fully aware conditions can
instantly change, be ready with your backup plans to move on or completely
move into another program with a strategy where you can build your plans.
While I have sat on both sides, as an owner, and as an affiliate, the one thing
I have learned online is nothing is static. Nothing lasts. Get past the two-year
mark of basic survival, perhaps breaking even; then you are facing the five-year
run of closed doors or desperation. Maybe if you are lucky, it will all work out
and your next mark will be 10 yrs.
One thing I know for sure is the more you moan and wail, the less success will
find you. Back that up with the feeling you are entitled and you will find the
door to the exit is stage right. Best you take it before you really end up broke
and dishearted.
Till next time …
Your Editor
Fran Klasinski
© 2017, Fran Klasinski. All rights reserved. on republishing any parts of this post, you must supply a link to the original post