How to Empower TE Owners According to Paypal AUP

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FransFrantic Marketing Due DiligenceI have been doing my best to present as much value content as I can
respecting  current issues facing TE owners vs PayPal. If it is read,
passed on and discussed, then the following is apt to be one of
joined consideration by ALL TE owners.

Disclaimer: This is NOT my opinion. I have not sat in on the meeting
of those who designed it. Please look, read and pass this on. It will be
up to each and every owner to meet, discuss and decide how to work
what is being presented.

Keep in mind, this information was given to me to present to you. It
involves lawyers so the presentation style is much as to how they would
act for you IF and when there was that need and you approached

I will do my best to continue to remain impartial so that what I can
present that can be supported and trusted.

Proviso: Precedence to the following has been set by ANY TrafficExchange
that was limited, reviewed and limitations removed AND full PayPal
use restored as an approved processor.

It is these TE owners presenting the PayPal charges and the received
removal of the limitations and right to continue using PayPal that
will lend credence to the rights of all owners as presented in the

” Specifically, Paypal is using the clause, and have sent out to individuals this reason …

‘The following is an extract from our policies referring to the items that you reported:
Under the Acceptable Use Policy, PayPal may not be used to send or receive payments that support pyramid or Ponzi schemes, matrix programs, “get rich quick” schemes or certain multi-level marketing programs. In addition, only approved MLM programs may be allowed.

At this time, we do not allow payments to be processed for these types of services due to the high risk of the business model. PayPal has decided, as a company, to not be involved with these types of services. We are not saying you cannot continue these services. We simply are saying that PayPal cannot be used to process payments for them. You are free to choose another payment processing method, but PayPal will need to be removed from any violating sites.’

If PayPal is using this as a reason it is vague and has gray area and undefined exact violation. In a court case, they would have to show exactly which term is violated (Key is court case)

This is what was proposed to send out, post as a blog, get the word to members, get to as many affected owners by the limitation as possible. Each owner would have to make a decision. But at the very least the big players will be either targeted by Paypal and feel they were pointed out.


PAYPAL has decided as an industry that Traffic Exchanges Violate Their User Policy specifically:
Under the Acceptable Use Policy, PayPal may not be used to send or receive payments that support pyramid or Ponzi schemes, matrix programs, “get rich quick” schemes or certain multi-level marketing programs. In addition, only approved MLM programs may be allowed.

“With this policy Paypal is limiting Owners of Traffic Exchanges Paypal accounts, thereby effecting those owners rights to fair business and to process transactions both in and out of said owners Paypal Accounts. In effect freezing those accounts while demanding conditions be met to unfreeze that account

However, in this action, Paypal’s current limitations are being enforced randomly on some Owners and not being enforced on Other Owners. Their Own Policy Allows for Exception to the Violation “ONLY APPROVED MLM PROGRAMS MAY BE ALLOWED. We have to let Paypal know we are a separate entity from the rest and not to lump Traffic Exchanges as part of the whole group.

It is stated that Traffic Exchange Business Model is in violation of above Policy and ALL fall into a specific Group of Violators if that is true why is it that not all Owners are faced with the same limitation?

Why is it that some Owners have been able to have the limitations lifted and other Owners told that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will the limitation be lifted and Why Other Owners are not even being considered?

In order for ALL OWNERS to have a fair business opportunity, this Policy must be enforced and imposed on ALL Owners or NONE OF THEM

As an Industry of Traffic Exchanges, we Owners have to unite to be heard by Paypal this means it is time for the BIG BOYS of the Industry to stand up and to pull up their pants, and unite with the little owners. It is time they stopped thinking these sites are dime a dozen anyway, it is just a little trimming of the hedge. It is time for a united Industry to come forth and demand This Policy of User Agreement be redefined and not group our Industry as Part of this Violating Group.

It is time for the Traffic Splash, Advertising Know How, Zubeezone, Click track Profit, Viral Traffic Gamers, Traffic Swirl, Nerd Surfs, Start Exchange, Fast Easy Traffic, Dragon Surf, Traffic Punks, Sky Scraper Surf, Traffic Magicians, Wild Hog Hits, Surfing 4 Traffic, 4X4, Gladiators, Tezak Traffic, Lords Of Traffic, Max Traffic, Wizard Surf, Gone Fishing, Traffic Pharaohs, Legacy Hits, Hit Safari, Hit to Hit, I Love Hits, Click and Putt, Max Traffic Pro, Viking Hits, Traffic Wonderland, Click Voyagers, Boot Scooting Traffic, Farm Hits, Volcano Hits, and other BIG Established Owners to come forward and together we all say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH play fair to all of us.

Together these sites above have millions of potential PAYPAL customers (members), add to this the thousands of smaller Traffic Exchange Owners, and we ALL COMBINED represent upwards of multi-million potential customers (members), but as an individual owner, we represent less than 10,000 potential customers each.

But, if these Owners do not join us or wish to continue with heads in the sand from fear of Paypal Limiting their accounts, we the Limited Owners can seek legal help and use Unfair Implementation of User Agreement Policy placing Limitation on Owners within a Business Industry, while Other Owners identical in Business Model and in the same Industry are allowed to continue Violating that same User Agreement Policy as a precedent.

We want the big sites above to help us, remember less than 25 years ago, YOU as an owner started the same place we did with 1 member (YOURSELF). It is time to stand up and be heard because when they get done with us, guess who that leaves for PAYPAL to target.

Let us unite this industry, before it is destroyed by One Corporate Entity.”

Submitted as presented for your consideration.

Read what has been suggested carefully, meet with these owners,
many of whom are already limited by PayPal and discuss the
direction any and all, as a unified group, are willing to take.

Good luck and best wishes for a working solution that will result
in all members and owners of the Traffic Exchange Industry
finding a workable and legal solution.


© 2016, Fran Klasinski. All rights reserved. on republishing any parts of this post, you must supply a link to the original post


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