There was a time I taught SEO – Search Engine Optimization. Back when the days were a purer form. When there were not as many people with wild ideas and a hatred for algorithms.
At one time or another, we are all naive beginners hoping to tap the humungous Google market for worthy traffic.
Much of what happens in SEO is forever evergreen but the changes
that are made, reflect the changing needs of hundreds of thousands
of searchers.
Today, my research will hopefully take me into the field of changes so
that I can present an easy approach for you to test. A little jangling of
the gray cells won’t hurt me a bit either. There are plenty of things I
need to upgrade on as well.
Shall we get started?
The first thing I notice is that the SEO market has encouraged
opportunity for you to learn. The cost? Mainly your time. Why?
Because some are in the know more than others. Choosing the
wrong personal mentor can not only be costly in dollars, but in
time and frustration when what they offer does not work out.
Daily Marketing Activity
There should be some. By chunking your time and developing
the habit of action chunking, you will change some of the habits
that may be holding you back from any desired goal or dream.
For ONE week, record the following …
- Time you get on the computer
Daily average of time spent on the computer
Actions that take up that time
Record time spent on each action,
example: surfing – have a system? record it
Your attitude – eager, frustrated, worried, happy?
Social Media – which ones and doing what?
Advertising and where
What you are doing is creating a picture of your actions; of how
you spend your time. One good thing about testing your time is
that you will find out how to cut down on frustration. If you do
not feel you are getting much out of your time, then this test will
provide you with ammunition on where you need to make positive
A little self-assessment makes that pill for change a little easier
to swallow. However, the actions you decide are a must will never
take form unless you follow through.
SEO Tutorials
SEO tutorials can provide a lot of information. Sorting it out in
respect to what you do know, the skills you do have, and the
skills you have yet to learn can be overwhelming.
One issue that always gets to me is the misnomer that keywords
are not important to search engines so why should we bother
about them. Really? How do you search for information? How do
the search engines determine your positioning?
Perhaps the idea should be how do you use certain words that
apply to your business to get your message across to prospective
What kind of SEO strategy comes to mind when you look at the
power of certain words or strings of words that work to engage
a viewer to take your call to action?
If you think about it a bit, we all are forever practicing some form
of SEO without even thinking about it.
Do you have an interest in SEO? Wish you knew more about SEO?
Leave a comment and let me know what bothers you the most.
I will see to helping find answers and solutions to your issues.
Make the best of this day. It will soon be gone forever.
© 2016, Fran Klasinski. All rights reserved. on republishing any parts of this post, you must supply a link to the original post