Internet And DMCA Law Resources

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With all the current issues Traffic Exchange and mailer owners
are facing, it is apparent that much of what will be posted will
be over the heads of many readers.

Thus I am posting some of the Urls I ran into while doing my
research. They will provide you with interesting reading and
by the time you are done, will leave you quite informed as to
Internet and DMC laws that otherwise might badly affect your business enterprises.

Did you know there is a Copyright of Digital Information?

Go back a bit to the days of having an OEM copy of a MS
Operating System. {FN33: 17 U.S.C. §1002} The Serial Copy
Management System allows the making of unlimited copies
from an original digital recording but prevents any copies
being made from those copies.

The computer industry got left alone. The definition of a
digital audio recording device requires that it be “designed
and marketed for the primary purpose of . . . making a
digital audio copied recording for private use,” {FN35: 17 U.S.C. §1001(3)}
and digital audio recording medium excluded any medium
primarily marketed or used “for the purpose of making
copies of nonmusical literary works, including computer
programs and databases.” {FN36: 17 U.S.C. §1001(4)}

Thus while MicroSoft scared the devil out of most of us,
we were allowed to make all the copies from the original
that suited our purposes but we could not make copies
of the copies.

As nothing in law stays singular in meaning or use,
President Clinton got in on the act and formed the the
Working Group on Intellectual Property, chaired by
Bruce Lehman, who has a long list of valued positions
and authority behind his name to begin with.

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a United
States copyright law that implements two 1996 treaties
of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).the
DMCA heightens the penalties for copyright infringement
on the Internet.[1][2] Passed on October 12, 1998, by the
unanimous vote in the United States Senate and signed
into law by President Bill Clinton on October 28, 1998,
the DMCA amended Title 17 of the United States Code to
extend the reach of copyright, while limiting the liability
of the providers of online services for copyright
infringement by their users.

That link takes you to a lot of information best discussed
by the legal beagles who formed it than what I can
publish here and hope to translate. At best, it covers the
legalities of copyright for a lot of video work done on the
net. Since it could affect what you do that you think you
are safe in using, it will serve you best to read on.

Privacy in the age of the smartphone

What is your smartphone capable of revealing about you?
Can your smartphone be used against you in a court of law?
And more from this link.
This article also explores the vulnerabilities faced by
smartphone users. Vulnerabilities occur through the use
of traditional hacking and malware but can extend to the
collection and dissemination of personal and consumer
information by smartphone applications.

Internet Law

Internet Law (CyberLaw) pertains to conduct involving
the use of the Internet, and encompasses cyber crime,
electronic commerce, freedom of expression, intellectual
property rights, jurisdiction and choice of law, and privacy rights.

Internet copyright laws

I have added this point of information so that you can
decide if you are looking to create income from your TEs,
then it might be to your advantage to check out . While they may not need a special page
of their own, you may need to consider adding them to
your TOS in respect to your company actions and those
that concern you over affiliates compromising your TOS
by their actions.

Canada – New Canadian Internet Copyright Rules for ISPs

American Internet Laws. They are wide and diverse so it
is interesting to check them out via a few resource links.
This link is coverage inclusive forvarious Internet abuses

And finally for this day …

The Ten Top Internet Law Developments of 2013

Don’t ever think laws are made and passed overnight. Or
that you have tons of time before they take effect.
Check these 10 beauties for a real eye opener.

© 2016 – 2020, Fran Klasinski. All rights reserved. on republishing any parts of this post, you must supply a link to the original post

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