My Mother’s Day Sh itty pity party

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Well I finally found out that my Mothers Day sh -itty pity party is all about a gastrointestinal virus that has befallen my poor insides and is still hanging around to help ruin my Mother’s Day.

Before I get on my band wagon, we best do up Mother’s Day properly.


And for each mother, father who is the care giver and grandparents who love without question …

Is it an all round happy day for mothers? I ask because I have a large family and it is so nice that they remember me on Mother’s Day. However – is that the only day you can think of a reasonable excuse to contact your mother?

Ever ask her if she has plans for this ‘special’ day? I know you have her day planned for her. Big surprise right? But who bothers to ask Mom what she wants on Mother’s Day?

Heck, spit darn it, it is HER day!

And yes, you know your mom and what she likes. She has never objected before now has she?

Well maybe it is time for a loving revolt? My girls tell me it is a heck of a job raising mothers. So if they are so determined to make us their child, then may be it is time to revert back to the ‘terrible twos.’?

Okay so it is MY Day! What do I want to do, now that you ask – you did ask now didn’t you?

Well I want to spend the day with ME. A relaxing spa sort of day. Take care of all those things I so wanted to do every day. Dad can take care of the kids all day then arrange a very nice supper date. (earn your Mother’s Day acclaims dad.  Forget the supper date and taking care of the kids for once – without complaint?  You’re a shmuck!)

Since none of what I dreamed about is going to happen this Mother’s Day, I am going back to bed and me and my sick tummy are going to have a Mother’s Day sh-itty pity party.

Hoping your day is better than mine …

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© 2019, Fran Klasinski. All rights reserved. on republishing any parts of this post, you must supply a link to the original post

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