How To Maximize Conversion Potential by 300%

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Cognitive business thinking is a sries of gears to a working solution

How do you maximize conversion by 300% then lose that
conversion potential for two sad reasons?

1. You don’t take advantage – enter a splash page, banner and text ad.

The company gives you splash pages and banners to draw from. In
most Traffic Exchanges (TEs) you can add both text ads and square

Every time I look at a splash page, I think of ways I would change it
for the better. Do you find yourself doing similar things like a color
change to suit easy on the eyes, or a wrong word that makes you
think twice about joining?

Implosive Verbiage Creates Hungry Conversions

There is no weapon for writers even close to being as powerful, as a
rich and dynamic vocabulary. We are one and all, emotional beings.
Reach us with the right words, and we can’t wait to sign up.

Growing a strong advertising vocabulary is easy.  It  takes no more time
than you are spending on this article. You learn by reading and one more
simple step. You will find that in another Advertising article to come.

The 2nd reason, and the very point of why I was encouraged to write
this article, is owners who are not thinking straight when they set up
their membership requirements and ad packages

Failed Maximum Kills Potential Conversions.

Membership levels set the maximum web pages you can promote. It
ranges from as low as 10 to as much as 50. If you are a beginner to the
world of advertising, then 10 is quite enough to learn to handle.

After all these years marketing, I have yet to discover a profitable way
to use 50 sites. In fact, today, in perfect shock, I am investigating a
site that allows a maximum of 100 sites.

Hang on while I pick my jaw up off the floor. It was responsible for this
article finally getting written. It was the first site I saw the maximums
are relative.

– Maximum allowed 100 sites
-Maximum allowed 100 Bn/TX/Sqb

Mind you, that is the settings for its top membership level, However, it
remains true to cause from its lowest @10 sites to the high of 100 sites.

Text Ad Tip

This product benefit is one that encourages me to join up. Now to see if
its credit packages and bonuses follow suit.

Back Up Conversion Ratio with Proper Credit Assigns

Each TE is different in how it displays the order of web pages in their
Data base. You will have to watch that and record what you see.

What if you follow the idea of 200 to 300 per site, backed by 3,000 Banner
and 5,000 text ad impressions? Sound high? Keep in mind that pages are
seen in rotation for the norm, so depending on the membership and the
surfers at any given time, your page could be seen once to five times a
day or more.

Banners are seen at least two times the pages and often a lot more if the
TE has them displayed on every site page. The same goes for both text
ads and square banners.  Keeping your credits properly assigned across
all forms of advertising, will attract and remind viewers who you are and
what you are advertising.

Summary Active Conversion Results

My tests show my square banners lead the way in the number one time of
page exposure. Those little square devils are starving for credits to allow
them to be seen.. Next come the text ads, then banners then your pages.

Your viewer audience of readers is fickle so be prepared with a starting
point you can track for results. What this also does is help you decide if
you surf or buy credits. If the traffic is consistent, do you upgrade and
promote the site?

If you own a TE, it might suit your end results to see just how well your
methods of ‘maximum allowed’ fit what you offer your members. Could
it be a way to test for improved surfing and advertising on your TEs?

Or, if you are an affiliate full of excitement, then make sure you take full
advantage of how your wonderful TE find will allow you to rake in the
potential conversions for your great pages. And don’t forget to spread
the word with your testimonials and advertising on the benefits great
Traffic Exchanges are working for you.

Till next time …

Fran Klasinski Editor/Author of Frans Frantic MarketingYour Editor

Fran Klasinski – warriorlady
Skype: fran klaasinski – Add me

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© 2017, Fran Klasinski. All rights reserved. on republishing any parts of this post, you must supply a link to the original post

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