Around the Net – Twitter Suspends White Nationalist Accounts

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Eye On The Net

Around the Net presents some of the latest happenings that affect you on both a personal and business level. Subscribe so you do not miss important issues and do
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Quote of the day: “If you make a mistake, own it and move quickly to fix it.”
~~ Tooey Courtemanche

Twitter Suspends Major White Nationalists Accounts

Were you aware a white nationalist movement called alt-right helped
propel Donald Trump to the White House?

Twitter was, and this week cracked down on white nationalist pundits
the same day the social media service said it would crack down on
hate speech.

Among the users suspended this week is Richard Spencer, head of
the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think tank that has
flourished on both Facebook and Twitter, despite complaints over
the group’s hateful rhetoric and abuse- Read more

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Internet of Things

“The “Internet of things” (IoT) is becoming an increasingly growing
topic of conversation both in the workplace and outside of it. It’s a
concept that not only has the potential to impact how we live but
also how we work. But what exactly is the “Internet of things” and
what impact is it going to have on you, if any?’ More …


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Google Wallet – the next secure best payment processor?

It all starts with Poynt the coolest credit card reader you’ve ever seem!

It’s a mobile user’s dream and one that may be coming to a neighborhood
near you.

Google Wallet chief Osama Bedier presents an argument for its future and shows
you why, as the result of the Mandate that would force all American retailers to
support the EVM- also known as “chip and pin cards.” More …

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5 Things You Must Quit Doing To Be More Successful

While it’s true that persistence is necessary for success, sometimes quitting is
the most effective course of action.

What? This is not exactly what we have been taught.

“Quitting is leading too.” – Nelson Mandela

As it turns out, some of us are really good at knowing when to quit, while others
have a hard time getting “unstuck.”

Listen to what this contributor has to say. more …

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What other things should people quit doing? Please share your thoughts in thecomments section below, and take a second to subscribe to make sure you do
not miss other great marketing help that can move your future straight up!

© 2016, Fran Klasinski. All rights reserved. on republishing any parts of this post, you must supply a link to the original post


  1. As a web developer and TE owner, I am always finding useful information on your blog Fran! I think I was able to avoid the paypal ban because your post about updating terms of service was posted right when I needed it. I look forward to your next post, cheers!

  2. Twitter, Facebook and other so-called social media platforms should “police” themselves to follow their own TOS’. There is no need for hate against any group for any reason. To do so for any reason goes against ALL the basic tenants of all the major world religions. Hate of this sort that has been used as propaganda by these groups is the most destructive when ignored and thought of as they would just go away and die. Read how Hitler and his gang came to power in Germany in the 1930’s.

    1. There is no doubt that social media needs a new facelift. Mark Zukerberg has
      stated during the FB conference held in San Francisco, that FaceBook isn’t
      the social network anymore. It’s losing the intimacy that once attracted us.
      While it may be getting bigger, it remains to be seen if it is getting better AND,
      most importantly, can it be controlled for the betterment of its users.

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