Sunday is my day to update my security runs. All week it is daily maintenance where bad sites get blocked; scans to protect from malware, trojans, and general trovimaws out to infect computers, get the boot.
However, a Sunday fix is never quite enough. I should be running my premium security. Avast at least every other day. Backing up my daily protection is a must.
Why am I as sold Avast user It protects over 400 million PCs, Macs and Mobiles – more than any other antivirus. AVG is now owned by Avast.
Do you have any idea how many web pages you visit daily? How many downloaded files decorate your computer?
In the last 30 days, my web shield analysis shows 2,611,613 web objects were scanned.
That is a lot of sites visited in my surfing schedule, plus the web sites I researched.
Bad News Found
There were 84,423 infected domains. That means in 30 days, my security came up with
that find. All those computers with either no security or using free security to protect
them online? One of these days, I will research stats the give the higher totals of machines
that should not be online.
Of the 2,611,613 web objects scanned, 11 infections were blocked. That is on a good day.
So having working security, PAID upgraded working security, would protect your work
and your computers from these listed offences. If you use upgraded, paid security, you are
to be commended.
Bad News Apps you love to use
Are you aware, that many of them share ONE billion users account information with
Facebook? The culprit is WhatsApp, the media giant owned by Facebook.
This week, every WhatsApp user experienced a pop-up message asking them to agree to
the company’s new Terms and Privacy Policy. Those who just simply clicked on the green
Agree button probably don’t have much of a clue as to what is going on.
Those who actually read through the new conditions learned that opting out will prevent
WhatsApp from displaying ads to the users. The tricky part about this detail is that it
won’t stop the app from sharing their personal information with Facebook, the media
giant that has owned WhatsApp since 2014. more …
It’s a good read that will help you protect your privacy. If you have no idea how it is being
used, what information it shares, then you are fodder for malvertisers and other highly
questionable receivers.
Have you heard of the Internet of Things or its threats?
Learn how to stay safe. Be in the know about so much more going on the net that
endangers your use period. The information behind the links puts you in control.
© 2016, Fran Klasinski. All rights reserved. on republishing any parts of this post, you must supply a link to the original post