Who Needs Time Management

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When I was a girl, time management was the rage and enraged those who had to meet the demands of stop-watch people. Those workers
who had been with the company for a very long time recognized strangers amongst them. When they were well-dressed and
stopped to watch the workers; the jig was up.

Jobs were on the line. Companies were looking for cost savings methods and these people were assessing poor work responses. For many companies, the worth ethic determines whether it can afford to continue operations, or make severe cutbacks, or if the situationis terminal, cut costs and close the doors.

Today, you are the boss. You decide what your workload will be. You get to assess the
results and sink or swim. You also get to determine whether you need to hire help or
take on a staff that can make your goals work.

Do you need time management help?

Time is a finite thing offering you 86,400 seconds every day to determine how you will
use it. It becomes infinite because it repeats itself daily. Time itself has no need of you
managing it. How do you increase needed time? You can’t.

What you can do, is learn to manage your actions in relationship to each day, the time
you have to work on your goals.

The normal excuse of never having the necessary time does not hold water. Think of
every famous person you know, that you respect, that you might even wish you were.
Now time to close the door on excuses because they had every second of every day,
just as you do now, to determine what actions they would need to complete in order
to arrive at their success.

The Nature of Repetitive Action.

Are those repetitive actions pure time wasting to the end results you seek? You do know
what the end result is that you are working for, don’t you? Some actions can become a
habit that is not going to help you complete the goals or plans you have in mind for them.

If they are an evil necessity, can you outsource them? Bring in someone who wishes to
learn your business and start them with these everyday musts until you can decide how
to cut back on them and move forward again.

Knowing Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Another way to say this may be, what are your skills that are a must vs what are the skill
you will need to learn?

If you are chief cook and bottle washer, then you face a heavy burden of be all end all.

That is a lot to ask of anyone. It can be done. It has been done but the cost is not an
acceptable one if there is another way.

A simple solution is often overlooked. The value of any company begins at 100%. It
matters not if you are brand new or five to ten years old. Sometimes even older. What
you need to do is hire the staff you need by carefully selecting people you trust, who trust

They need to have one or more of the skills you must incorporate into your business plan.
How do you pay them? By setting up a legal document wherein you have 25% of your
business net profits allotment for private partners.

It must be a legal document so each person is protected in what they are doing, what
they agree to do, and their rights to earn their percentage or break their contract and be
denied by lack of contract fulfillment.

One hundred percent of nothing is nothing. However, one percent or five percent is a lot
of potential income if each person is working to make the business a success. That is the
whole idea of the contract. Everyone must know their duties and their work ethic has to
be such as they will perform accordingly. Then the business has a very good chance of
having a long future.

Obviously, the need for a business plan is paramount for this to work. So now you have
two positive reasons to create a business plan that will project the future of your business.

© 2016, Fran Klasinski. All rights reserved. on republishing any parts of this post, you must supply a link to the original post

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