How in touch with your inner senses are you? Sometimes they are referred to as red flags or gut feelings. But this one goes deeper. It is not about the effect of things on you but how you respond to life signals.
You are all to familiar with the side that says , ‘oh no, I can’t do that!’
Every time something new comes up, so does that negative thought.
Then there is that other side
The side that gives the proverbial boost of confidence to make that all-important thing happen. The inner voice that says ‘make it happen.’ Not you can do it or give it a try useless platitudes, just plain up front make it happen. And you do.
When you face obstacles, take a deep breath. Breathe in deeply and let it out slowly. Do it a couple of times to relax that tension right out of your body. A little fresh air for the brain never hurts either.
The Moment Of Truth
What would you really love for your life? Kind of think most of all then follow it with what else you might like for improving your life. The quality of the questions you ask will determine the quality of life you are able to live.
You won’t find the right answers by asking yourself what do I do now? Nor would you find the right answers typing that into a search engine. Try it, see what it comes up with.
How would you like to feel when you wake up every morning? Fresh, alive, ready to take on the day? Push that accomplishment ‘I’m not a morning person!’ somewhere it cannot reach its tentacles around your best time for best efforts?
What about the relationships you have with your family and friends? How fulfilling are they? And your work? Offline? What would you love to be doing most? Online ? What would thoroughly engage your interests so every minute is one of joy and accomplishment?
Write them down for this is your dream. This is about you. This is what you want most out of life.
We all want time freedom and time to contribute in some way. Deep inside is that need to be and do and never have to worry where the money will come from.
The Gap From the dream to reality
When you visualize the dream, when every fibre of your being says yes, then you compare it alongside the way you have lived your life.
- Are you happy?
- What is it you want most?
- What is it you are willing to work to make happen?
- What is it you are no longer content to accept as your life?
Is it all just a dream? Something that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt you cannot have, or look again. Is it the doorway to something awesome.An incredible, exciting life you get to live?
Dreams are very powerful. Your dream has that very same power.Was Martin Luther King a dreamer? His famous “I have a dream!” speech will live forever in history as it changed so many lives forever. And so can your dream.
Align yourself with all the things you can do to make it happen. Forever, ignore the voices that say you cannot have it. Walk away from the people who will never understand the power of you. The life you want and the life you will have because your actions will make it so.
It’s easier to create the things you want then it is to mope over and give life to the things you do not want. Begin today with the dream. Develop clarity of mind in deciding exactly what it is you do want then begin to develop the steps to get you to where you have always wanted to go.
Get started living the life you will love.
© 2016, Fran Klasinski. All rights reserved. on republishing any parts of this post, you must supply a link to the original post
Fran, I think you made a great point on becoming clear on what type of life it is you want for ones self and their families. This in my humble opinion IS the very first step to creation. A great way to test if your clear enough on what you want, share it with someone. If when they hear it it provides them with a crystal clear picture of what it is you want then kudos to you! If not, back to the drawing board.
When you are crystal clear it then becomes much easier to go into creation phase utilizing the Laws of Attraction such as The Law of Faith which is extremely powerful in the creation process.
Thanks for sharing your ideas! Cheers!
Life can be a mean teacher. One can live a life of regret or one can decide to create a life plan. The joy is in living day-to-day enjoying the turns in the journey. It is exactly the same online. Your time is spending part of your live doing. Make sure what you do is what you intended.