One of the major issues I find using mailers is group memberships. They require
some investigating with respect to sending, membership levels and how I can best
keep each group mailers properly organized.
I turn to EBB – Easy Business Building to help me do that.
The mailers can be grouped. That is one huge time saver in how I am planning my
mailings to their varied markets. Each membership group has varying needs.
This owner owns four; that owner owns six, that owner is on the move and their
original four are now seven.
I currently use 32 mailers and I have only scratched the surface. Mailing dates, what do
each membership group tend to respond to with respect to CTR vs. signing on and
Having ready group mailer stats handy
How many of these people join my EBB list, never respond to broadcasts yet
keeping on signing up for my list?
That is the reason for this post. If you are one of them then you are missing the
point as well as the value of EBB to both organization – extremely important – and
time-saving – both of which lead to income.
Lead Integration based on History
What does your market want from you to keep loyal to you? Could it be as simple
as grouping minor or major needs that fit more than one mailer? How will you
be able to qualify these needs if group mailer stats are not adequate?
Again EBB to the rescue with one of the finest, complete trackers online that give
you the complete history of every lead.
No one else does this for you. Lead Management in EBB has to be the core
reason for your interests as it makes list building powerful. You don’t just
end up with the list of names you may never hear from again. List building has
to be far more important than that.
Group Mailers vs. Brand Awareness
The more mailers and safelists you promote in, the more you can build
brand awareness to help build your email lists.
Using a blog, like I am doing here, can help you create huge brand
awareness beyond imagination. My blogs serve as a central hub for
all the business interests I work online.
Links from posted entries to Twitter, LinkedIn, FaceBook social media
all increase awareness to my interests. Today it is group mailers and
how organizing membership can save you time and income costs by
attracting more interested sign-ups. You may have joined me from one
of the many posts my loyal subscriber’s post. Or EBB through them via
a post?
As a new online marketer, or even an experienced one who needs to
investigate the power of branding through group mailer membership,
your start to a whole new future could start right here with EBB and
understanding the power of group mailer membership,
Put all of this information alongside tracked group mailers you
choose to promote in then you have a fabulous targeted market of
potential new loyal members.
Fran Klasinski – warriorlady
Mentoring you with common sense
Marketing with finesse.
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© 2018, Fran Klasinski. All rights reserved. on republishing any parts of this post, you must supply a link to the original post