The FTC And Payment Processors vs. Consumer Bylaws

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Is Justice really blind Frans Frantic Market Looks at consumer Bylawss
Advertising on the Internet? The rules that apply to other forms of advertising apply to online marketing, too. These standards protect
businesses and consumers – and help maintain the credibility of the
Internet as an advertising medium.’

There really is no place where opinion is allowed that deals with the
real issues of why payment processors are hard on Internet Marketers.

Is it a sense if embarrassment? Nobody in business likes to be caught
coming up short to their customers.

Is it a sense their years of experience and never being questioned
before, causes them to think they are ill done with now?

I Fought The Law And The Law Won

The Federal Trade Commission Act allows the FTC to act in the
interest of all consumers to prevent deceptive and unfair acts
or practices.

What is amazing to most, is to find the Federal Trade Commission Act
dates back to 1914.

The Commission has enforcement or administrative responsibilities
under more than 70 laws.

Statutes Enforced or Administered by the Commission

Good Business Practices.

How can you tell a business operates within the law and is
prepared to offer you protection against misuse in their

They are continually learning consumer protection rights.
They are accepting responsibility for their own short –
comings in recognizing their business may not be quite
as legally set up as it should be.

They do not make PayPay the scapegoat for the mess they
are in.

Skipping over the problem does not supply a working solution

It’s simple really – legality. Either you are a legal entity
operating on the net, taking in and/or paying out income.

EVERY payment processor is under the same rules you are.
They MUST conform to consumer laws in order to stay in
operation. (Look under DUE DILIGENCE for a lot more
information on consumer rules.)

Rather than read these Consumer Laws of Operation, or
hire a good business lawyer who can interpret them, too
many owners cry foul! Believing they are the innocents
and PayPal the thief.

The FTC mandate states there is a law that says ALL
income involved in an illegal business will have their
assets immediately frozen.

Is PayPal the Bad Egg?

Surveys do not seem to think so. In fact, PayPal is still
number one with the majority of users, both owners and

The reasons for the PayPal crackdown can simply be
attested to illegal behavior and for affiliation with
questionable programs like Traffic Monsoon.

If you feel you do not come under any of the above but
have been affected or are worried you might be, call
PayPal. Leave the chip at home. Good manners in
looking for help will bring as genuine a response as
you give in asking.

There can be a double sword issue here. The support
person at PayPal may not be well versed in their rules.

The support people can be tired. Same questions,
voiced in different tones.

It may be necessary to call back to get a well versed,
calm support person. It is your business, so keep a
calm attitude and keep calling until you get the right
person who can help.

Providing up to date(Feb 3, 2017) Bureau of Consumer Protection
BCP’s Business Center provides plain language guidance to help
businesses understand their responsibilities and comply with the law.
Browse by topic — Advertising & Marketing, Credit & Finance,
Privacy & Security —

Author/Editor NOTE:  The above information is gathered from legal
posts of information. The links are inclusive that you may do your
own form of investigative  Due Diligence.

The future of the Traffic Exchange Industry has been under attack
and the question is will they survive? I believe in the industry thus
these posts are my way of contributing valuable information to
.you my loyal readers, that you may sort the emotions that often
deny fair play to all involved.

To the future …
Fran Klasinski Editor/Author of Frans Frantic MarketingFran Klasinski Editor


© 2017, Fran Klasinski. All rights reserved. on republishing any parts of this post, you must supply a link to the original post

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